WICE Member Directory

This is a list of WICE members who provide services (generally for hire), and it is only available to current WICE members. If you are a WICE member and have a service that you would like listed, please contact us at membership@wice-paris.org.

Disclaimer: WICE, as an organization, does not have the experience or expertise to evaluate/endorse these service providers, and thus we do not assume responsibility for their performance. In some cases, they are listed because another WICE member recommended them; in other cases, they are listed because they asked to be. In all cases, you are responsible for doing your own due diligence prior to entering into a business arrangements with any of the persons listed here.

Last Name First Name Services Offered Web Page Contact Info
Beardmore Matt Editor, non-fiction MB Writing and Editorial matt@mbwritingandeditorial.com
Blatt Beth Personalized songs for special occasions TailorMade Music bethblatt@hopesings.net
Bourdais Jill English-speaking psychotherapist specializing in adult individuals, couples, and domestic violence Paris Therapy Services jabourdais@aol.com
Bryson Ellen Editor, fiction Ellen Bryson ellenbryson@yahoo.com
Cease Dermot General contractor, carpenter, handyman Dermot Cease paris.carpentry@yahoo.com
Crowne Laura Travel advisor Dream Vacations crownelm1@comcast.net
Dyuka Alla Lawyer specializing in expatriation in France (visas, residence cards, nationality, etc.) as well as international family law Alla Dyuka - Avocat +33 (0)7 45 07 41 87
Geffroy Virginia English-speaking psychotherapist Virginia Geffroy Counselling vigeff@yahoo.co.uk
Goodfriend-Koven Diva Flute instructor, chamber music coach NY Women's Philharmonic - Diva Goodfriend-Koven piccolodiva@gmail.com
Iriart Elisabeth Wine and spirits educator Elizabeth Iriart - LinkedIn elisabeth.iriart@gmail.com
Josse Clarisse English-speaking notaire Clarisse Josse clarisse.josse@paris.notaires.fr
Kos Robert English-speaking therapist/counselor focusing on expat life, adjustment, relationships, and adolescent issues (empathetic approach) Robert Kos Therapy robert@robertkostherapy.com
Pendariès Robynne Adult ADHD coach Robynne Pendariès robynnependaries@noos.fr
Perina Hugo Flute and voice instructor Hugo Perina - LinkedIn h.perina@hotmail.com
Quinting Mike International Moving Consultant MTM Agency LLC mtmagency77@gmail.com
Sprotte Carsten Realtor specializing in property searches and home purchase assistance Exquisite France carsten@exquisitefrance.com
Weiland Jonathan Information Technology consultant specializing in one-on-one assistance Jonathan Weiland - LinkedIn jweiland124@gmail.com