About Our Language Courses

WICE offers French language classes plus French and English guided discussion classes, film classes, and free conversation groups. Language courses are offered from September through June, except during Christmas holidays and official public holidays.

2023 Winter Trimester courses will be held on-line via Zoom as WICE reorganizes following the closing of our office location. Some classes may elect to meet from time to time in a café or other shared space.

For optimal personal attention and expression, core language classes (French 3 and 4) are limited to a maximum of 8 students, film and discussion groups to a maximum of 10.

Which Level Is Right For You

Before enrolling for the first time in a language-learning course, you may want to complete our online Placement Evaluation. It will collect your responses and display your final score sending a notice to the Languages Department. While it is not required, this evaluation may help you choose the right course level. If you have questions thereafter, or are unsure which course to take, please email us at languages@wice-paris.org.

Currently WICE is offering core French classes for levels 3 and 4 only. (See below for criteria.) If you are interested in a lower level, please email us at the address above.

  • Level 3: Capable of having a conversation on familiar topics and routine situations, with some errors. Ability to deal with simple, straightforward information. B1
  • Level 4: Capable of having a more fluent conversation on a wide rante of topics. Strong vocabulary with few mistakes. B2-C1.
  • Film and Discussion courses: These classes offer an opportunity to practice your oral and language skills and to increase vocabulary in a stimulating, less formal context. To participate fully, an intermediate level is recommended.

English Placement Test

French Placement Test


    • 06 Jan 2025
    • 27 Mar 2025
    • 22 sessions
    • Remote on Zoom (online)
    • 6

    Course Description

    This lively French course will improve your ability to deal with an array of everyday life situations in French. This level is for students who understand simple, straightforward information and can express themselves in familiar contexts and take part in an everyday conversation on simple, predictable topics.

    Using interactive methods to ensure learner engagement and lasting progress, the course will help you develop your vocabulary, oral and written expression, comprehension, and pronunciation.

    Geared for learners with an intermediate knowledge of French, the 90-minute class will be held in French, twice a week for a total of 3 hours per week.

    About the Instructor

    Audrey Charmont has a Masters in Marketing and Communications as well as a DAEFLE (French as a Foreign Language). She has years of French teaching experience in France and abroad.

    • 06 Jan 2025
    • 27 Mar 2025
    • 22 sessions
    • In person, location TBD
    • 5

    Course Description

    This course is designed for beginners, either for first-time learners or those who want to refresh their French at a basic level.

    Throughout the course students will acquire the essential French skills (writing, speaking, pronunciation) needed to function in everyday-life situations.

    Each class will take place in a lively and friendly atmosphere that encourages students' enjoyment and active participation. Along with  linguistic exercises, references to French culture and gastronomy will also be presented.

    The course meets twice a week for 90 minutes (a total of 3 hrs/week) and is conducted in French. When necessary, supplementary explanations may be given in English.

    About the instructor

    Nathalie Allain is a native French speaker with a master’s degree in FLE (French as a foreign language) who is also fluent in English, German, and Japanese. To future students, she says: “In addition to textbooks, I like to make French come alive by using the language to discover the culture and history of Paris in one field trip each month.”


    • 09 Jan 2025
    • 27 Mar 2025
    • 11 sessions
    • Online via Zoom
    • 6

    Course Description

    This English Guided Discussion Group is open to people who have a strong intermediate or advanced level of English. Our group leaders suggest interesting topics and readings prior to each group discussion. If you enjoy reading, speaking, presenting, and engaging in diverse topic-centered discussions, this group is for you. In addition to learning and developing through guided conversation with other participants, you will also have the opportunity to get personalized constructive feedback. The group speaks only in English for one

    Ce groupe de discussion guidée anglaise est ouvert aux personnes qui parlent anglais presque couramment (niveaux intermédiaire-avancé ou avancé). Nos animateurs proposent des sujets intéressants et des textes avant chaque groupe. Si vous appréciez la lecture, la communication, la présentation et la participation à des discussions
    diverses, ce groupe est pour vous. En plus d’apprendre et se développer à travers des discussions guidées avec d'autres participants, vous aurez également la possibilité d'obtenir des
    commentaires constructifs. Ce groupe de discussion guidée est un endroit idéal pour rencontrer d’autres passionnés de la langue anglais. Le groupe ne parle qu’anglais pendant une heure.

    Note: A Zoom link will be provided the day before the
    course begins. Be sure to check your email for it


    The group will be led by several native English speakers of varying interests and backgrounds.
    • 09 Jan 2025
    • 27 Mar 2025
    • 10 sessions
    • Remote on Zoom
    • 3

    Course Description

    This French Guided Discussion Group is open to people who have a strong intermediate or advanced level of French. Group leaders provide participants with engaging weekly readings on a wide range of topics prior to each dynamic and fast-paced seminar. If you enjoy reading, speaking, presenting, and engaging in varied, topic-centered discussions, this group is for you. In addition to learning through focused conversation with other participants, you will also have the opportunity to get personalized constructive feedback. The French Guided Discussion group speaks only in French for 90 minutes which gives participants an excellent space to practice.

    About the Instructors

    Brice Dardel and Brigitte Le Quere, both native French speakers with extensive experience leading discussions, alternate weekly sessions.

    • 10 Jan 2025
    • 28 Mar 2025
    • 11 sessions
    • Remote on Zoom (online)
    • 3

    Course Description

    This dynamic course will fine tune your abilities in an array of everyday life situations in French. Students at this level have the ability to express themselves on a range of topics. They are comfortable in most situations and have a strong vocabulary with few mistakes. Using interactive methods to ensure learner engagement and lasting progress, the course will facilitate your progress in vocabulary development, oral and written expression, comprehension, and pronunciation. Geared for learners with prior advanced-intermediate French, this course will be held in French once a week for 90 minutes.

    About the Instructor

    Audrey Charmont has a Masters in Marketing and Communications as well as a DAEFLE (French as a Foreign Language). She has French teaching experience in France and abroad.
    • 10 Jan 2025
    • 28 Mar 2025
    • 11 sessions
    • Remote on Zoom (online)
    • 4

    Course Description

    This dynamic course will fine tune your abilities in an array of everyday life situations in French. Students at this level have the ability to express themselves on a range of topics. They are comfortable in most situations and have a strong vocabulary with few mistakes. Using interactive methods to ensure learner engagement and lasting progress, the course will facilitate your progress in vocabulary development, oral and written expression, comprehension, and pronunciation. Geared for learners with prior advanced-intermediate French, this course will be held in French once a week for 90 minutes.

    About the Instructor

    Audrey Charmont has a Masters in Marketing and Communications as well as a DAEFLE (French as a Foreign Language). She has French teaching experience in France and abroad.
    • 24 Jan 2025
    • 28 Mar 2025
    • 3 sessions
    • Remote on Zoom
    • 2

    Course Description

    Discover and discuss masterpieces of American and British cinema in this class for intermediate and advanced English speakers. You’ll watch a film at home on streaming, or borrow the DVD from your local library, before a lively and engaging discussion in class. You’ll be assigned one scene to watch at least three times! Every month you’ll view a film from an influential director so you’ll come to know the stylistic hallmarks of favorite genres and filmmakers.

    If you love the movies, this course is an enjoyable way to increase vocabulary, get comfortable with idiomatic expressions, improve your conversational skills, and deepen your understanding of American culture and cinema.

    Winter trimester films:

    Out of the Past (in French “La Griffe du Passé”) by Jacques TOURNEUR (1947) with Robert Mitchum (Jeff Bailey, also Jeff Markham), Jane Greer (Kathie Moffat), and Kirk Douglas (Whit Sterling). Out of the Past is an acclaimed American film noir, with a complex, fatalistic storyline, dark cinematography, and a classic femme fatale In 1991, the film was added to the United States National Film Registry of “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” films.

    Five Fingers by Joseph L. MANKIECICZ (1952) (in French “l’affaire Cicéron”), with James Mason (Ulysses Diello / Cicero)and Danielle Darrieux (Countess Anna Staviska), is an American spy film noir. The film is based on the true story of a spy with the code name Cicero who spied for the Nazis during World War II while he was employed as a valet to the British ambassador to Turkey. 

    Fat City by John HUSTON (1972) with Stacy Keach (Billy Tully), Jeff Bridges (Ernie Munger), and Susan Tyrrell (Oma Lee Greer, nominated for an Oscar—Academy Award— for Best Supporting Actress). The film follows a former champion boxer (Keach) who trains Ernie, and begins to develop a rivalry with the young fighter on the rise.

    About the instructor

    Ellen Feldman grew up in Philadelphia and currently lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She holds a Ph.D. in cinema studies from New York University and has taught film studies at the State University of New York, Geneseo campus, and Brooklyn College.
    • 03 Apr 2025
    • 05 Jun 2025
    • 3 sessions
    • Le Nelson's Café, 16 rue de Coquillière, 75001 Paris
    Join waitlist

    Free for WICE members! Come with us on a captivating journey where literature and history intertwine to offer a uniquely vivid perspective on France's past. You’ll plunge into a vibrant tapestry of pivotal events, cultural shifts, and influential figures…while falling under the spell of some of France’s best historical novelists.  And then the discussion begins!

    Our meetings take place in French so you'll enhance your understanding of the past while simultaneously improving your French reading, comprehension, and speaking skills in a friendly convivial group.

    Group facilitator: Claudia Oudet, French teacher, editor, and translator, will offer linguistic help and literary/historical insights.

    We'll meet in person at Le Nelson's Café,

    16 rue Coquillière, 75001 Paris

    Métro : Lignes 1/4/7/11/14 RER A/B/D Châtelet Les Halles 
    Bus : 74 – 85 : Louvre – Etienne Marcel / Bourse du commerce

    Préparez-vous à discuter:

    "Les Rois maudits, tome 1: Le Roi de fer" est le premier volume de la série historique de Maurice Druon, qui retrace les événements du XIVe siècle en France. Ce tome se concentre sur le règne de Philippe IV le Bel, un monarque impitoyable qui, pour renforcer son pouvoir, ordonne l'arrestation et l'exécution des Templiers. Avant de mourir sur le bûcher, le grand maître Jacques de Molay lance une malédiction sur le roi et ses héritiers, prédisant leur chute imminente. Cette série est reconnue pour sa richesse historique et ses intrigues complexes, offrant une immersion profonde dans les luttes de pouvoir de l'époque médiévale.

    Come prepared to discuss:

    Les Rois maudits, tome 1: Le Roi de fer” is the first volume in Maurice Druon's historical series, retracing the events of 14th-century France. This volume focuses on the reign of Philip IV the Fair, a ruthless monarch who, to strengthen his power, ordered the arrest and execution of the Knights Templar. Before dying at the stake, Grand Master Jacques de Molay puts a curse on the king and his heirs, predicting their imminent downfall. The series is renowned for its rich history and complex plots, offering a deep immersion in the power struggles of the medieval era.

    • 07 Apr 2025
    • 26 Jun 2025
    • 19 sessions
    • On Zoom
    • 6

    Course Description

    This course is designed for beginners, either for first-time learners or those who want to refresh their French at a basic level.

    Throughout the course students will acquire the essential French skills (writing, speaking, pronunciation) needed to function in everyday-life situations.

    Each class will take place in a lively and friendly atmosphere that encourages students' enjoyment and active participation. Along with  linguistic exercises, references to French culture and gastronomy will also be presented.

    The course meets twice a week for 90 minutes (a total of 3 hrs/week) and is conducted in French. When necessary, supplementary explanations may be given in English.

    Tuition reduced to reflect the many spring holidays.
    The class does not meet on French holidays: 21 April; 1, 8, 29 May; 9 June.
    Contact Languages@wice-paris.org with any questions

    About the instructor

    Nathalie Allain is a native French speaker with a master’s degree in FLE (French as a foreign language) who is also fluent in English, German, and Japanese. To future students, she says: “In addition to textbooks, I like to make French come alive by using the language to discover the culture and history of Paris in one field trip each month.”

    Tuition reduced to reflect the many spring holidays.
    The class does not meet on French holidays: 21 April; 1, 8, 29 May; 9 June.
    Contact Languages@wice-paris.org with any questions.


    • 07 Apr 2025
    • 26 Jun 2025
    • 19 sessions
    • Remote on Zoom (online)
    • 7

    Course Description

    This lively French course will improve your ability to deal with an array of everyday life situations in French. This level is for students who understand simple, straightforward information and can express themselves in familiar contexts and take part in an everyday conversation on simple, predictable topics.

    Using interactive methods to ensure learner engagement and lasting progress, the course will help you develop your vocabulary, oral and written expression, comprehension, and pronunciation.

    Geared for learners with an intermediate knowledge of French, the 90-minute class will be held in French, twice a week for a total of 3 hours per week.

    Tuition reduced to reflect the many spring holidays. The class will not meet on the following dates: 21 April; 1, 8, 29 May; 9 June.
    Contact Languages@wice-paris.org with any questions.

    About the Instructor

    Audrey Charmont has a Masters in Marketing and Communications as well as a DAEFLE (French as a Foreign Language). She has years of French teaching experience in France and abroad.

    • 10 Apr 2025
    • 26 Jun 2025
    • 9 sessions
    • Online via Zoom
    • 10

    Course Description

    This English Guided Discussion Group is open to people who have a strong intermediate or advanced level of English. Our group leaders suggest interesting topics and readings prior to each group discussion. If you enjoy reading, speaking, presenting, and engaging in diverse topic-centered discussions, this group is for you. In addition to learning and developing through guided conversation with other participants, you will also have the opportunity to get personalized constructive feedback. The group speaks only in English for one

    Tuition has been reduced to reflect the many spring holidays. The class will not meet on 1, 8, and 29 May.

    Ce groupe de discussion guidée anglaise est ouvert aux personnes qui parlent anglais presque couramment (niveaux intermédiaire-avancé ou avancé). Nos animateurs proposent des sujets intéressants et des textes avant chaque groupe. Si vous appréciez la lecture, la communication, la présentation et la participation à des discussions
    diverses, ce groupe est pour vous. En plus d’apprendre et se développer à travers des discussions guidées avec d'autres participants, vous aurez également la possibilité d'obtenir des
    commentaires constructifs. Ce groupe de discussion guidée est un endroit idéal pour rencontrer d’autres passionnés de la langue anglais. Le groupe ne parle qu’anglais pendant une heure.

    Note: A Zoom link will be provided the day before the
    course begins. Be sure to check your email for it


    The group will be led by several native English speakers of varying interests and backgrounds.
    • 10 Apr 2025
    • 26 Jun 2025
    • 9 sessions
    • Remote on Zoom
    • 9

    Course Description

    This French Guided Discussion Group is open to people who have a strong intermediate or advanced level of French. Group leaders provide participants with engaging weekly readings on a wide range of topics prior to each dynamic and fast-paced seminar. If you enjoy reading, speaking, presenting, and engaging in varied, topic-centered discussions, this group is for you. In addition to learning through focused conversation with other participants, you will also have the opportunity to get personalized constructive feedback. The French Guided Discussion group speaks only in French for 90 minutes which gives participants an excellent space to practice.

    Tuition is reduced to reflect the many spring holidays. Classes do not meet on the following French holidays: 1, 8, 29 May.
    A Zoom link will be provided the day before the course begins. Be sure to check your email for it
    Contact Languages@wice-paris.org with any questions

    About the Instructors

    Brice Dardel and Brigitte Le Quéré, both native French speakers with extensive experience leading discussions, alternate weekly sessions.

    • 11 Apr 2025
    • 27 Jun 2025
    • 12 sessions
    • Remote on Zoom (online)
    • 6

    Course Description

    This dynamic course will fine tune your abilities in an array of everyday life situations in French. Students at this level have the ability to express themselves on a range of topics. They are comfortable in most situations and have a strong vocabulary with few mistakes. Using interactive methods to ensure learner engagement and lasting progress, the course will facilitate your progress in vocabulary development, oral and written expression, comprehension, and pronunciation. Geared for learners with prior advanced-intermediate French, this course will be held in French once a week for 90 minutes.

    About the Instructor

    Audrey Charmont has a Masters in Marketing and Communications as well as a DAEFLE (French as a Foreign Language). She has French teaching experience in France and abroad.
    • 11 Apr 2025
    • 27 Jun 2025
    • 12 sessions
    • Remote on Zoom (online)
    • 6

    Course Description

    This dynamic course will fine tune your abilities in an array of everyday life situations in French. Students at this level have the ability to express themselves on a range of topics. They are comfortable in most situations and have a strong vocabulary with few mistakes. Using interactive methods to ensure learner engagement and lasting progress, the course will facilitate your progress in vocabulary development, oral and written expression, comprehension, and pronunciation. Geared for learners with prior advanced-intermediate French, this course will be held in French once a week for 90 minutes.

    About the Instructor

    Audrey Charmont has a Masters in Marketing and Communications as well as a DAEFLE (French as a Foreign Language). She has French teaching experience in France and abroad.
    • 11 Apr 2025
    • 13 Jun 2025
    • 3 sessions
    • Remote on Zoom
    • 9

    COURSE DESCRIPTION: For this advanced French course, you will watch a film at home (available on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Canal Plus, Orange, YouTube and other platforms) before a lively and engaging discussion in class. Each month a new film provides a basis for an immersive lesson with authentic spoken language and cultural reference points. If you love movies, there’s no more enjoyable way to increase vocabulary, improve conversational skills, and deepen your understanding of French cinema and culture. 

    Each discussion will focus on analyzing the film from different angles:

    • Creation; production; and reception, both critical and commercial
    • Screenplay, direction, and artistic collaborations such as script, cinematography, acting, and music
    • Specific features in the director's filmography and its place in the French cinema of his/her era.

    Spring trimester films:

    • «  Le genou de Claire » d’Eric Rohmer (1970) avec Jean-Claude Brialy, Béatrice Romand, Fabrice Lucchini

    Un des premiers rôles de Fabrice Lucchini, encore adolescent !

    L’été sur les bords du lac d’Annecy. Jérôme, un diplomate, éveille l’amour d’une lycéenne, Laura. Lui-même n’est pas insensible au charme d’une autre adolescente, Claire. A l’occasion d’un orage sentimental, Jérôme satisfait son désir de caresser le genou de Claire. Le lendemain, il repart vers la femme qu’il doit épouser.

    Images lumineuses d’un univers calme et serein, où les personnages ont le loisir de s’écouter parler et d’analyser leurs sentiments. Une mise en scène belle et harmonieuse qui enchante par sa simplicité, sa limpidité et son aisance.

    •   « Le goût des autres » d’Agnès Jaoui (1999) avec Jean-Pierre Bacri, Alain Chabat, Anne Alvaro, Agnès Jaoui

    Castella, chef d’entreprise de province, s’ennuie auprès de son épouse. Lorsqu’il rencontre Clara, une comédienne, il tombe sous son charme. Mais avec ses allures d’homme inculte, il ne sait comment la séduire. Un film drôle, ironique, sensible. Une comédie de mœurs qui dépeint le monde contemporain et ses travers.

    • « Les choses qu’on dit, les choses qu’on fait » d’Emmanuel Mouret (2020) avec Vincent Macaigne, Emilie Dequenne, Camélia Jordana, Niels Schneider

    "En amour, quelle est la règle ?"
    Difficile de résumer l’intrigue de ce film. Mais à l’écran, tous ces emboîtements amoureux s’enchaînent avec fluidité. Le cinéaste persiste dans ses marivaudages, l’humeur folâtre en moins, avec une gravité déjà à l’œuvre dans le cruel  film précédent de Mouret « Mademoiselle de Joncquières ». Si des personnages comme Sandra ou Gaspard suivent leurs penchants sans s’embarrasser de scrupules, le film s’arrête plus volontiers sur les timides en plein conflit intérieur, comme Daphné ou Maxime, qui s’interdisent un désir qui pourrait blesser l’autre. "En amour, quelle est la règle ?", se tourmente Maxime, que le cinéaste prend un malin plaisir à plonger dans les situations les plus alambiquées. Dirigés avec la minutie d’un chef de chœur, les personnages, magnifiquement incarnés par le quatuor d’acteurs, évoluent les uns vis-à-vis des autres avec retenue, tandis que la bande-son romantique, elle, s’emballe, de Chopin à Haydn. Dans cette lumineuse et mélancolique "ode à notre inconstance" et aux tempêtes internes qu’elle provoque, le cinéaste atteint une plénitude inédite et revigore avec brio les clichés fleur bleue, la célèbre scène d’adieux sur un quai de gare se refaisant une jeunesse dans le TER au départ d’Avignon.

    Hommage à Emilie Dequenne, actrice belge morte à 43 ans le 16 mars 2025

    • ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: A graduate of Sciences Po Paris and ESCP Business School with a master's in political philosophy, Pascale Borenstein co-founded the first professional training course for screenwriters, the Conservatoire Européen d'Ecriture Audiovisuelle (CEEA), which she subsequently directed. From 2004 to 2017, she was Director of International Relations and Continuing Education at France's national film school, La Fémis, where she collaborated with the film departments at NYU, Columbia University, and Calarts. Pascale is the co-author of "Histoire de films français" published by Bordas and a lecturer at l'ICART (École du Management Culturel & Marché de l'Art).

    • 22 Apr 2025
    • 27 May 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Zoom (online)
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Course description

    "I have a good grasp of French, but when I speak, people often ask me to repeat myself -- or even switch to English. It’s so frustrating!" 

    Sound familiar? Then our pronunciation class is for you. In six short weeks, you will noticeably improve your ability to communicate in every area of your French life. In each 90-minute class, you’ll get …

    - 30 minutes work on the French phonemes. Sometimes our mother tongue acts as a filter so we can’t even hear a sound, never mind reproduce it correctly. Through listening exercises (poetry, music...) you will learn to produce key French sounds by paying attention to your lips, tongue, vibration, and more.

    - 30 minutes using typical dialogues from daily life to become familiar with the rhythmic-melodic scheme of French and how to use it yourself. 

    - 30 minutes for spontaneity and fun where we put into practice what we have learned during the session. We will read texts aloud and perhaps even sing!

    About the instructor

    Audrey Charmont has a Masters in Marketing and Communications as well as a DAEFLE (French as a Foreign Language). She has French teaching experience in France and abroad.

    • 25 Apr 2025
    • 27 Jun 2025
    • 3 sessions
    • Remote on Zoom
    • 4

    Course Description

    Discover and discuss masterpieces of American cinema in this class for intermediate and advanced English speakers. You’ll watch a film at home on streaming, or borrow the DVD from your local library, before a lively and engaging discussion in class. You’ll be assigned one scene to watch at least three times! Every month you’ll view a film from an influential director so you’ll come to know the stylistic hallmarks of favorite genres and filmmakers.

    If you love the movies, this course is an enjoyable way to increase vocabulary, get comfortable with idiomatic expressions, improve your conversational skills, and deepen your understanding of American culture and cinema.

    Films for the Spring 2025 trimester:

    In 1967, the United States was marked by major racial unrest in cities like Newark, New Jersey and Detroit, Michigan, condemning police brutality and the many other injustices perpetrated against Black people and communities. Also in 1967, the first momentous national protest took place in the US Capital against the Vietnam War. We will be discussing three landmark films from that year.

    Two for the Road by Stanley Donen, with Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney, is a romantic comedy-drama that blends Hollywood glamour, French New Wave editing, and British cynicism. Combining the disparate talents of movie star Audrey Hepburn, British bad boy Albert Finney, writer Fredric Raphael (Darling) and composer Henry Mancini, producer-director Stanley Donen (Charade, and Gene Kelly's collaborator on On the Town and Singin' in the Rain) tells the story of a contentious marriage by interweaving a series of road trips through scenic France that the couple has taken during their twelve-year relationship.

    Bonnie and Clyde by Arthur Penn, with Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway, is a seminal film of the decade and one of the highest-grossing films of 1967. It’s a story of the historic outlaws and folk heroes, Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, who start as small-time crooks and grow into big-time bank robbers. The film was one of the first New Hollywood films, which turned away from classical film-making by using daring stylistic elements and exhibiting unconventional social mores. The film was nominated for nine Oscars, and won two, for Best Supporting Actress (Estelle Parsons) and Best Cinematography.

    In the Heat of the Night by Norman Jewison, with Sidney Poitier and Rod Steiger, and music by Quincy Jones, is a film about a Black police detective from Philadelphia, who becomes embroiled in a murder investigation in a small Mississippi town. The film was nominated for seven Oscars, and won five, including Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Actor for Rod Steiger.

    About the instructor:

    Ellen Feldman grew up in Philadelphia and currently lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She holds a Ph.D. in cinema studies from New York University and has taught film studies at the State University of New York, Geneseo campus, and Brooklyn College.