At the heart of WICE's commitment to cultural enrichment and connection is its vibrant literary program, a curated series of activities designed to cater to the diverse literary tastes of our international membership. From Page to Stage: Readings of Prize-Winning Plays offers a unique rendezvous for theater lovers. Meeting monthly, members immerse themselves in English-language plays from diverse cultural backgrounds. With plays typically in two acts and featuring 6-10 characters, the group works to ensure a gender balance among playwrights and a rich representation of British, Irish, American, and Scottish playwrights. |
For those with a penchant for dissecting literary masterpieces, WICE offers several options:
Storyscapes: Where Art Meets Text offers a unique experience that seamlessly blends the worlds of literature and art. Participants first immerse themselves in a selected novel, then embark on a guided tour of renowned museums such as the Louvre or the Musée d'Orsay, where they use works of art that resonate with the story's plot points, themes, characters, events, or settings to foster deeper connections and enriching discussions. At its core, WICE's literary program is a celebration of the written word, fostering connections and discussions and enriching the cultural fabric of its community.You can stay up to date on our literary program by subscribing to our newsletter, WICE Direct, following us on FaceBook, or simply checking this page from time to time. |