VM111: Women Artists and Their Art: The Contributions of Women in Art History Part 2

  • 18 Mar 2021
  • 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
  • REMOTE on Zoom
  • 22


  • Lecture One - March 11
  • Lecture Two - March 18
  • 2 Lectures - March 11 and March 18 Lectures one and two
    WICE Members and Their Guests
  • 2 Lectures - March 11th and March 18th
    10 Euro discount for attending the first section of this series:
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Part 2 of a 2 part lecture series on The Contribution of Women in Art History (Painting and Sculpture)

Women Artists and Their Art:  for centuries, women were discouraged from exerting their art, although they were talented and contributed to art history. During the Renaissance, Artemisia Gentileschi  was the first to receive recognition. In the 19th century, in France, the Academy banned women. In the 20th century, some of the most prominent artists were women.

Lecture 1: March 11 - 19th century

Lecture 2: March 18 - 20th century

Catherine ESTIVALEZES has been a lecturer with WICE for several years. She has a PhD in American and British history and literature, a professional degree in Art and History.

Photo Credit: Public Domain

Good to know: 

  • WICE members can register for this event online using WICE's fast and secure online system. Simply click on the link and follow directions.
  • Not a member? You may be able to join some events as a nonmember for a small fee which includes a 3-month membership. Please send an email to wice@wice-paris.org if you have questions. We look forward to talking with you.