FN181 Talk: The American Revolution in Paris - Part 5 of 7

  • 18 Nov 2024
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • The Rim Café, 38 rue Saint-Severin, 75005
  • 2


Registration is closed

We learn about important places where secret plans were hatched to support the American Insurgents which helped lead to a successful outcome … and then pick up the thread of how the Americans continued to lean on and learn from experienced French connections during the early years of a new country.

  • Hôtel Langeac, Avenue des Champs-Elysées, is where Thomas Jefferson lived with this household entourage while he served as America’s second minister to the Court of Versailles. We learn what he accomplished while here from 1785 - 1789.
  • Rue de Richelieu, where four American presidents lived at some point during their careers during and after the American Revolution, from 1782- 1815.
  • La Bourse de Commerce, rue de Viarmes, where significant scenarios unfolded that were directly related to important figures in the American Revolution – Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson in particular.
  • Café Procope, rue de l’Ancienne Comédie, a popular café patronized by Franklin, Jefferson, John Paul Jones, Voltaire and other significant figures, where plots were hatched, revolutions nurtured, and philosophies discussed.
  • Quai des Grands Augustins – in the steps of Thomas Jefferson. Booksellers and publishers lined this street where Jefferson bought many books which began the Library of Congress.
  • Hôtel des Monnaies, quai de Conti, was a newly constructed Royal Mint when Franklin and Jefferson were in Paris. This building and its director, Marquis de Condorcet, were especially important to the young post-revolution United States. 1777-1789.

About the Series

This is a fundraising activity for WICE, and the series is open to all interested persons. The cost is €20 apiece for individual talks / walks, or €100 for the entire series of seven talks / walks.

Note: The dates, times, and location are provisional until the autumn trimester begins on 16 September 2024.

About the Organizer

Mary Jo Padgett is a journalist, teacher, former elected official, public relations consultant, and independent historian, with a special interest in the French connection to the American Revolution.

While living in Paris she was introduced to the book "Paris: Birthplace of the U.S.A." She has used this book as the foundation for walks and presentations, which she has conducted since 2013 for the American Library in Paris, the American Embassy, private groups, and WICE.

She lives in North Carolina, and does presentations at Lifelong Learning programs at community colleges, Furman University, Wofford College, and others. She is donating all proceeds from this series to WICE.

Good to know: 

  • WICE members can register for this event online using WICE's fast and secure online system. Simply click on the link and follow directions.
  • Not a member? You may be able to join some events as a nonmember for a small fee which includes a 3-month membership. Please send an email to wice@wice-paris.org if you have questions. We look forward to talking with you.