AY201The Yanomani People and their Life in the Amazonian Rainforest

  • 20 May 2014
  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • WICE office - 10 rue Tiphaine 75015 Paris
  • 15


The Yanomani People and their Life in the Amazonian RainforestAmazonie

In this talk, artist Barbara Navarro will take us on a trip deep into the rainforest of Amazonia and the world of the  relatively isolated Yanomami Indians who inhabit it.  Over the past 30 years, Yanomami lands and way of life have been brutally disrupted by criminal invasions, attacks and disease. Greedy outsiders have invaded their territories in search of gold, building roads, burning vegetation, bringing malaria and other diseases, thus decimating the population while the governments involved turn a blind eye. We will learn both through a talk and through a short film what it is like to live among the Yanomani.

About Barbara Navarro

Barbara Navarro, a Franco-American artist living in Paris, has long been inspired by the art and artistic techniques of native peoples of Africa and South America. Her frequent trips to the Amazonian rainforest brought her into contact with the Yanomami tribe. The tragic destruction of their habitat has galvanized her to create many works of art including  films, books, and installation projects. www.barbaranavarro.com.

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