SL021 - Movie Night : O Brother Where Art Thou?

  • 02 Jul 2014
  • 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
  • WICE Office, 75015, Paris
  • 10


Wednesday 2 July 
7:30pm - 10:00pm


Movie Night is a social event and a chance to get together with other WICE members to watch some great movies.

Seats are limited so please register to reserve a place.

Hot popcorn will be served, but otherwise please bring your own refreshment of choice.
This month's film will be O Brother Where Art Thou?, a classic comedy from the Coen brothers based on Homer's The Odyssey.

(Top image by djnorway via Film image courtesy of Wikipedia.)

Good to know: 

  • WICE members can register for this event online using WICE's fast and secure online system. Simply click on the link and follow directions.
  • Not a member? You may be able to join some events as a nonmember for a small fee which includes a 3-month membership. Please send an email to if you have questions. We look forward to talking with you.