Words Matter: Courses & Events March & April

28 Mar 2019 7:19 AM | Deleted user

Fellow scribes, WICE has some exciting wordy courses and events coming up in March and April for prose and poetry…

Begin with what I call the 3Ps (Pain, paper, and pen!) where former Paris Writers Workshop participants and published authors poet Pamela Manché Pearce and memoirist Debra Whittam impart their personal experiences on taking painful experiences and putting them into words in "Writing Their Hearts Out: Women Writers on Love, Loss and Recovery".

Then my poetry pets, join David Barnes for a 6-week course where you can develop in-class and home your own poetry writing “Craft and Inspiration” – a motivating class to get both the pen and artistic spirit flowing!

And to round things up, WICE author and multi-talented artist Jamika Ajalon, will be reading a select works from her latest book of poetry along with live improvised electronic soundscape. Refreshments will be served after the presentation.

Visit the following page for all writing course information or click the links below for more info and registration...

Writing Their Hearts Out:  Women Writers on Love, Loss and Recovery:
Sunday, 31 March 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Register >

Writing Poetry:  Craft and Inspiration:
Thursdays, 4 April - 9 May 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM (six sessions)
Register >

Jamika Ajalon Presents: Take Back the Narrative
(Refreshments served)
Saturday, 13 April 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Reigster >