WICE: We’ve got you covered ...

14 May 2020 6:53 PM | Deleted user

Embroidery is hand-sewing. If you can do either (Yes, you can), then you can make a mask without a machine! Our resident embroidery instructor, Rebecca Daveny, gave it shot with sumptuous results (Her handy-work pictured at left). Swoon. You can download our mask-making guide here >>. The pattern is for this blogger’s preferred style: "The Tie-back Accordion", which looks and fits more flattering and the ties are more adjustable and do not pinch the ears. Sewing is both a great practical and artful skill – and later this year, WICE hopes to offer more for the visually art inclined in the coming months. Stay tuned … 

And for our writers!!! Don’t forget the Paris Writer’s Workshop in July! (Download the flyer here > >) While you dream up your next big novel idea, why not make a mask? We’d love to see what you make in-person. But for now, we hope you’re imagination is brimming with novel ideas and you’re excited to set your pen free upon the page. So many wonderful classes and instructors at this years' PWW, take a look  and sign-up now >

Language learners and multi-taskers!!  In addition to your class studies, why not try your hand at following mask instructions in your new language? Ask your instructor if they can recommend something. Additionally, search for podcasts and audio books to listen to while sewing or doing other arts and crafts to reinforce your comprehension. I know we have multi-taskers out there!  Again, the masks are now an essential wearable (like pants), so don’t be caught without your finery even while studying! Sign up for online language courses with WICE here >