Discover the Fine Art of Emrboidery.

17 Jan 2020 8:00 AM | Deleted user

Embroidery is not just for prim ladies in Jane Austen novels. It’s is (and has always been) a fine art and craft that takes skill and technique. Indeed, Fiber Arts, have recently taken new prominence in the world of art having a firm place in museums, galleries, fashion, and as chosen past times. And we should also add that working with fiber and thread is not just for women. Actor Henry Fonda, was a master embroiderer often working on his Bayeux tapestry between movie takes.

WICE offers several courses and visits to develop this wonder and useful skill ranging from working with printed fabrics, pre-printed patterns, and more advanced techniques. We also offer a field trip to the Cluny!

 … And who knows? Maybe a WICE sewing circle club!

View our full list of visual arts classes or here or find more info and registration below: