WICE's "Café Littéraire: Savoring French Literature in English" offers a unique and enriching literary experience. We look for French literature that has won (or been nominated for) one of the six big French literary prizes, and that is available in English translation. The monthly discussions are in English.

"Café Littéraire" provides an opportunity to explore these masterpieces in the original French or in English translation. The works selected offer a window into French culture, history, and literary tradition, and allow members to immerse themselves in the eloquence and artistry of France's most esteemed authors.

The group normally meets on the 4th Friday of each month from 3:00 - 4:30 pm.

Note: Historically our book reading groups have been among the most popular activities in WICE, and available spaces often fill quickly. We reserve two places in this group each month for new WICE members. If no new members have signed up four days before the meeting, we will open these seats to all members.

If you would like more information or if you have questions, please email:


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