WS211 Travel Blogging in Paris

  • 21 Sep 2015
  • 4:45 PM
  • 19 Oct 2015
  • 6:45 PM
  • WICE 10 rue Tiphaine 75015 Paris; Métro:La Motte-Picquet-Grenelle; Bus: 80.
  • 6


Mondays,  21 & 28 September, 5, 12, 19 October 
4:45 PM- 6:45 PM

Cost: €205
(includes weekly

Award-winning travel writer Gary Lee Kraut leads a five-week session of his moveable writing workshop designed for budding and experienced travel writers and bloggers interested in developing engaging, original and informative posts, articles and stories.

This upbeat (even off-beat) writing workshop will be held at a different location in Paris each week, whether a café, a bar, a garden or other setting. There, you’ll examine ways in which to develop an eye for telling detail and a knack for recounting experience while folding history and other information into your writing. Each session will include an encounter with an owner or specialist of some kind and a tasting of some kind (e.g. pastry, cheese, chocolate, wine). Altogether, the setting, the encounter and the tasting will providing us with the material for the week’s assignment.

Weekly writing exercises will consist of creating scenes, descriptions and stories (fiction or non-fiction) based on the various settings, tastings and experiences of our moveable workshop. These will be shared and discussed during the workshop.

While particularly instructive for those to looking to develop their skills as travel writers, bloggers, food writers and vignette writers, Gary’s Moveable Writing Workshop will be of interest to those wishing to hone their skills on work in other forms (memoir, short story, essay) that takes place in Paris or on the road.


Gary Lee Kraut is the editor of the online travel and culture magazine France Revisited. He is the author of five travel guides to France and Paris as well as numerous articles, essays, short stories, and op-ed pieces concerning travel, culture, cross-culture and expatriate life. He has taught creative writing and travel writing and has lectured extensively in the United States and France.

Good to know: 

  • WICE members can register for this event online using WICE's fast and secure online system. Simply click on the link and follow directions.
  • Not a member? You may be able to join some events as a nonmember for a small fee which includes a 3-month membership. Please send an email to if you have questions. We look forward to talking with you.