BA031 Exploring French History through Novels

  • 03 Apr 2025
  • 05 Jun 2025
  • 3 sessions
  • 03 Apr 2025, 2:00 PM 3:30 PM (CEST)
  • 01 May 2025, 2:00 PM 3:30 PM (CEST)
  • 05 Jun 2025, 2:00 PM 3:30 PM (CEST)
  • Le Nelson's Café, 16 rue de Coquillière, 75001 Paris


Free for WICE members! Come with us on a captivating journey where literature and history intertwine to offer a uniquely vivid perspective on France's past. You’ll plunge into a vibrant tapestry of pivotal events, cultural shifts, and influential figures…while falling under the spell of some of France’s best historical novelists.  And then the discussion begins!

Our meetings take place in French so you'll enhance your understanding of the past while simultaneously improving your French reading, comprehension, and speaking skills in a friendly convivial group.

Group facilitator: Claudia Oudet, French teacher, editor, and translator, will offer linguistic help and literary/historical insights.

We'll meet in person at Le Nelson's Café,

16 rue Coquillière, 75001 Paris

Métro : Lignes 1/4/7/11/14 RER A/B/D Châtelet Les Halles 
Bus : 74 – 85 : Louvre – Etienne Marcel / Bourse du commerce

Préparez-vous à discuter:

"Les Rois maudits, tome 1: Le Roi de fer" est le premier volume de la série historique de Maurice Druon, qui retrace les événements du XIVe siècle en France. Ce tome se concentre sur le règne de Philippe IV le Bel, un monarque impitoyable qui, pour renforcer son pouvoir, ordonne l'arrestation et l'exécution des Templiers. Avant de mourir sur le bûcher, le grand maître Jacques de Molay lance une malédiction sur le roi et ses héritiers, prédisant leur chute imminente. Cette série est reconnue pour sa richesse historique et ses intrigues complexes, offrant une immersion profonde dans les luttes de pouvoir de l'époque médiévale.

Come prepared to discuss:

Les Rois maudits, tome 1: Le Roi de fer” is the first volume in Maurice Druon's historical series, retracing the events of 14th-century France. This volume focuses on the reign of Philip IV the Fair, a ruthless monarch who, to strengthen his power, ordered the arrest and execution of the Knights Templar. Before dying at the stake, Grand Master Jacques de Molay puts a curse on the king and his heirs, predicting their imminent downfall. The series is renowned for its rich history and complex plots, offering a deep immersion in the power struggles of the medieval era.

Good to know: 

  • WICE members can register for this event online using WICE's fast and secure online system. Simply click on the link and follow directions.
  • Not a member? You may be able to join some events as a nonmember for a small fee which includes a 3-month membership. Please send an email to if you have questions. We look forward to talking with you.